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Our Activities

Knowledge Building

The GESI project will prepare and disseminate technical studies about trade and gender among Working Group members as part of the GESI knowledge product series. Technical studies will be based on the needs identified by country stakeholders, or the GST Working Group and will address conceptual and methodological issues relevant to GESI and trade, provide analysis of practical implementation of GESI and trade initiatives.

Production of GESI and Trade related studies

2019 - 2021

Capacity Building

National level capacity building aim at supporting countries in the implementation of their commitments outlined in the WTO Declaration on Women and Trade and address their national or regional commitments on gender, social inclusion and trade.

National level capacity building on GESI and Trade
Regional and Global network events and multi - stakeholder Trade dialogue

Network Events & Multi-Stakeholder Trade Dialogue

In close coordination with Working Group members and TAF2+, specific regions and locations will be selected to host periodic network events. In addition, an annual network event in Geneva will take place. Network meetings will utilise a multi-stakeholder trade dialogue approach, bringing together Working Group leads, TAF2+ grantees, donors, the private sector and CSOs.

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